Industrial optimisation and parts reconditioning
Potential machine downtime reduction thanks to optimised solutions for the industry.
Conception and manufacturing of parts and systems
BMR offers a wide range of high-performance quality industrial components, tools and systems
Analysis and installation of customized systems
BMR offers solutions adapted to every little specifications of our partners
On-site training and technical maintenance interventions
BMR goes on the road to test, adapt, install and train on its solutions for your companies.
The partner of choice of the Glass and PET industries
Since 2009, BMR has been THE partner of the Glass and PET industries.
Thanks to an experienced and specialised team, BMR offers solutions that are adapted to every single little specification of its customers. Thanks to relationships based on trust, BMR is now an essential partner of the vast majority of european glass factories and bottling companies.

Benjamin moussion,

Out latest interventions
Update of an air pressure setting system
Intervention on a re-burner
Ejection system
Manifolds installation
Bench test installation
More information
Since 2009, BMR has been present in many glass european factories and bottling companies. Find out here why so many partners have chosen BMR to support their activities.
PET and Glass specialist
Enjoy from BMR’s expertise, present in the industry since 2009.
Trusty and close relationships
BMR focuses on trusty and close relationships with its customers.
Customized personalisation
BMR proposes adapted solution to offer integral supports to its customers.
BMR is energy and cost saving
Our innovative solutions allows our partners to save energy while saving on cost spendings.

Renforcement des partenariats de fournitures et de développement en France et à l'étranger
Une augmentation de la part des industries peu représentés en France et dans le monde
Expansion en Europe, puis exportation aux quatres coins du globe des compétences, solutions et produits existants
- 08.2009: Foundation of BMR, a company specialised in the conception, manufacturing and supply of industrial components.
- 06.2010: First outsourcing contract
- 09.2010: First results and end of the outsourcing
- Fin 2010: Start of the specialisation in the Glass industry
- 01.2012: Foundation of BM Racing
- 04.2012: Move to a new facility (100m2)
- 07.2012: EBP software acquirement
- 10.2012: Change of management and head office moves to Lançon Provence
- 09.2013: First internal service creation and first part-time hires
- 03.2014: First full time contract
- 10.2014: Workshop foundation
- 03.2015: Engineering office foundation, expansion towards the aeronautical industry
- 04.2015: Commercial service foundation, expansion towards the PET industry.
- 09.2015: Expansion towards the Spanish market
- 02.2016: Move to a new facility (360m2)
- 04.2015: Logistic service foundation
- 09.2016: Foundation of BM Exo
- 01.2017: Official CSR commitment
- 08.2017: CIAC and SNABB brand purchase
- 04.2018: Expansion towards the italian market
- 05.2019: Move to a new facility (560m2)
years of experience
+ 1
satisfied customers
+ 1
+ 1
Our team

Laurent Farion

Pierre Coustenoble

Yoann Croisier

Stéphane Enout

Maeva Marnay

Virginie Mazzella

Emmanuel Bourdin
BMR asserts its vocation to supports its customers within the different cyclical, industrial and environmental changes, and commits to act as model partner